On the occasion of World Humanists Day (June 21), they handed over the 19th ceremony. June 2021 to the President of the Trademark Union Eduard Chmelár in the Cikker Hall of the historic town hall in Banská Bystrica in the presence of the President of the European Humanist Federation Michel Bauer the prize and honorary title of Humanist of the Year 2021. It was awarded to him by the Central Council of the Prometheus Society – an association of secular humanists for “systematic, creative and inventive promotion and support of humanism and its values in Slovakia, for significant activities in the fight for peace and in promoting democratic principles in Slovak society”.
Doc. Eduard Chmelár (right). The discount is handed over by the chairman of the Prometheus Company, PhDr. Roman Hradecky.
Source: Facebook Prometheus
“It is, of course, a great honor for me to enter the Hall of Humanism among such pioneers in this field as Professor Alexander Rehák or Professor Erich Mistrík. Nowadays, when being a humanist, atheist, freethinker, rationalist, agnostic or skeptic is still a beagle rather than a social honor, it is above all a huge responsibility. To be at the forefront, to defend the values of humanism and the secular state, to remain the voice of those who cannot be heard and to stand on the side of peace, justice and respect for life, even when it is not popular. I am aware of that, I have the courage to do so and I respectfully thank you for your trust, “added E. Chmelár.
Source: Facebook by Eduard Chmelár
After the end of the solemn ceremony, at which he was awarded the honorary title of Humanist of 2021, he paid tribute to the first Slovak secular humanist Ján Horárik (1808 – 1864), who is buried in the Evangelical cemetery in Banská Bystrica. He was severely persecuted for his convictions, he often had to flee and hide even more often. “On the eve of World Humanists’ Day, I am thinking of those worldly humanists, free thinkers, atheists, agnostics, rationalists and skeptics who are still discriminated against in their worldview, imprisoned and in some countries even facing the death penalty,” said OZ President of the United Nations.
More photos from the celebration can be found on the installation of E. Chmelár:https://www.instagram.com/eduardchmelar/?hl=en . We also recommend you watch the video, in by which E. Chmelár submitted a proposal for a Memorandum of Secular Humanists:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fk9DO2dxzPc&t=21s
To the President of OZ Zjednotení za mier cordially to congratulations on this award!